Corporate income tax compliance

Elevating your corporate income tax compliance

Corporate income tax compliance

Our experienced team will partner with you to ensure that you meet all your corporate income tax compliance obligations. We also take care of the compliance work, so that you can focus on your core business with peace of mind.

Our team provide, inter alia, the following compliance services:

  • Preparing and submitting corporate income tax returns and any relevant supporting information
  • Advising on and highlighting identified tax risks 
  • Submitting master file and local file transfer pricing documentation
  • Assisting with SARS verifications, audits and related queries
  • Calculating provisional tax payments and submitting provisional tax returns
  • Offering dispute resolution services, including attending ADR hearings
  • Assisting with SARS debt management
  • Assisting with the preparation and submission of VDP applications
  • Preparing and submitting dividend tax returns
  • Preparing and submitting withholding tax returns
  • Maintaining SARS registered details, e.g. updating bank details; updating public officer details; change of tax year-end 
  • eFiling registrations, activations, mergers and maintenance of corporate tax types on eFiling profile 
  • Monitoring and checking of income tax assessments, statements of account and SARS correspondence
  • Applying for tax clearance certificates
  • Applying for tax residency certificates
  • Outsourcing tax staff
  • Performing tax health checks and tax risk reviews.

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