Mining tax

Elevating your mining tax solutions

Mining tax

The BDO mining tax team combines tax, legal and accounting expertise to ensure that we provide a comprehensive, industry-focused tax service to our mining clients. We understand the impact that commodity cycles, energy and water constraints, transport infrastructure challenges, socio-economic development and human capital needs, as well as currency fluctuations, can have on our mining clients - through all stages of their business, from exploration to rehabilitation. 

Some of the current tax challenges facing mining companies include:

  • Clarity on tax treatment for contract miners
  • Diesel rebate compliance requirements and challenges 
  • Making sense of assessed loss limitation rules
  • Understanding the interplay between assessed losses and unredeemed capex
  • Rehabilitation cost treatment and rehabilitation trusts
  • Transfer pricing compliance 
  • Tax implications of non-production phases
  • Differentiating between mining and non-mining income and expenditure 
  • Mineral and petroleum resources royalty calculations and compliance
  • The potential impact of the introduction of Pillar II global minimum tax rules
  • Tax treatment of renewable energy investments
  • Carbon tax calculations and administration.
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