Internal audit

Assessing an organisation’s health and navigating towards success

The 2008 financial crisis, COVID-19 and recent worldwide and local corporate failures have brought into stark relief the efficacy of audit committees. As a statutory committee, the audit committee is tasked with an oversight role to assist directors in meeting their financial reporting, risk management and control responsibilities. With so many corporate failures, Boards, and Audit Committees are questioning the level of assurance they receive from their Internal Audit assurance providers, as well as their organisation’s ability to respond to changing business situations.

BDO’s internal audit service responds to these questions by bringing innovative and relevant approaches to assess the level of assurance over your systems of internal control. Our recommendations can assist in achieving business objectives, driving corporate value and navigating South Africa’s complex business environment.

For large and small businesses, we design appropriate internal audit functions – from conducting a thorough risk assessment, providing a full outsourced internal audit service to assisting your in-house internal audit function through co-sourced arrangements.

Regardless of your industry sector we will design an internal audit service suited to your needs. Through involved directors and qualified internal audit staff, we take a hands-on approach. With local resources backed up by a global network of professionals who are available in over 160 countries around the world, our professionals assist our clients in the following areas:

  • Internal audit outsourcing, co-sourcing or partnering
  • Quality assurance reviews
  • Process and internal controls advisory
  • Audit committee advisory
  • Continuous auditing and continuous monitoring
  • Date analytics and robotic process automation

Advances in technology are enabling changes in business models, improving productivity, and driving innovation. We help internal audit departments be proactive advisors to senior management, to enable the board to stay at the forefront of these advancements and advise on emerging risks. Whether advanced analytics, robotic process automation, continuous auditing, or continuous monitoring, we will work with you to understand what you need and provide the right solution.