Business automation

Innovation through the collaboration of technology, people, process and data with intelligent business automation, for next level business operations.

BDO’s Business Automation services uses the industry-varied experience of our consultants, combining the advantages of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with cognitive services offered by our platform partners to deliver cost reducing, value-add automation. We identify manual, repetitive processes and automate them to gain operational efficiencies, using our proven business automation framework. This enables enterprises to radically improve customer experiences and increase productivity, as the changing needs of the customer are met via innovation. At BDO Digital Advisory, we're constantly creating intelligent business automation solutions to take your business forward.

Business automation services include:

  • Business Automation Strategy
    • Discover, define, design, develop and deliver an automation strategy that supports your overall business initiatives
  • Process discovery and process mining
    • Use our tools and accelerators to quickly identify candidate processes for automation
  • Manual process workflow automation
    • Use a variety of platforms including UiPath to automate manual processes and workflows
  • Setup of and running an RPA centre of excellence
    • Create a governance structure to manage the automation of processes in your organisation and mature this capability
  • Enhancing and supporting automated processes in production
    • Improve the running of automated processes including best practise error handling, and adherence to RPA coding standards