Application modernisation

Legacy business applications served their purpose dutifully in the past as the foundation that most businesses were built on. The speed of change spurred by technology disruption however requires enterprises to adopt modern, flexible and responsive systems. Application modernisation services address the migration of legacy to new applications or platforms, including the integration of new functionality to provide the latest functions to the organisation. Modernisation options include re-platforming, re-hosting, recoding, rearchitecting, re-engineering, interoperability, replacement and retirement, as well as changes to the application architecture to clarify which option should be selected.

Our application modernisation services :

  • Application development:Custom development of interactive applications using a wide variety of tools that suit your specific business requirements. We offer end-to-end application development services which include designing, prototyping, building, and migrating to new architecture. We build business friendly applications that are secure, scalable, and responsive
    • Web design and development: We create web apps and websites that are visually appealing with user-centric User Interface (UI) /User Experience (UX) designs that are secure and likely to wow your users
    • Cloud based development: Our end-to-end approach to product development enables us to build a complete SaaS solution that includes web apps, APIs, cloud hosting and data storage
    • Progressive web apps (PWA): We bring both the web and mobile users under one PWA with optimized UX, customized interface, and leveraging app shell model to build native-like features
  • Application modernisation: We provide you with expertise to modernise your business through the migration of workloads to the cloud, by re-architecting your applications with cloud
  • Re-platform services: Enhance the functionality of your applications using low code / no code tools, creating a highly scalable and cost-efficient environment. Migrate existing legacy solutions to more scalable, customisable, efficient, and cost-effective technology platforms. Collaborate with us to enhance the appeal of your products and deliver better customer experiences.
  • Mobile enablement: We apply appropriate technology tools and platforms to create a mobile extension (or new mobile offering) of your existing on premise and/or cloud system