Marike Muller
The complaints and appeals procedure caters to any of our clients who wish to appeal the outcome of a B-BBEE verification rating or lodge a complaint relating to B-BBEE verification activities that fall under our responsibility.
Download the form:
Complaints & appeal & information request form
BDO Verification Services (Pty) Ltd impartiality statement
BDO Verification Services recognises that, in order to safeguard the interest of its clients, government and other parties that rely on information it provides, all its activities must be conducted without risk to impartiality caused by BDO Verification Services or its related parties.
It is the group’s policy that all its member companies operate independently without the existence of common activities that can generate conflicts of interest or impartiality.
Additionally, we undertake that any employees disclose any relationship (direct or by immediate family members) or activity that could generate potential conflicts of interest.
It is further our policy not to enter into any agreement (e.g. equity and /or debt instrument) with a measured entity that will jeopardise the impartiality of BDO.
Each application for evaluation will be reviewed to determine whether inter alia it poses a threat to impartiality.
Marike Muller