B-BBEE categories

Your business falls into one of these three categories:

  • Exempt micro enterprises (EMEs) are entities that generate less than R10 million in annual revenue. As such, they are not required to comply with the B-BBEE scorecard and need only to verify that their annual revenue is below the specified threshold.

These enterprises are automatically assigned a Level 4 B-BBEE rating. If a business can demonstrate that it is 51% Black-owned, it qualifies for an automatic Level 2 rating. If it is 100% Black-owned, it receives an automatic Level 1 rating.

It’s important to note that the modified flow-through principle cannot be applied when utilising the enhancement method.

Under the original B-BBEE Codes, EMEs needed to obtain a BEE Certificate, whereas under the Amended Codes, an affidavit confirming their B-BBEE status is sufficient.

Please note also that the turnover thresholds for qualifying as an EME can differ between various sector codes.

  • Qualifying small enterprises (QSEs) are entities with an annual turnover ranging from R10 million to R50 million. However, the turnover thresholds for QSE qualification may vary across different sector codes compared to the general Amended Codes. Under the Amended Codes, QSEs are evaluated based on all five elements of the QSE scorecard.

If a business can demonstrate that it is 51% Black-owned, it qualifies for an automatic Level 2 rating. If it is 100% Black-owned, it receives an automatic Level 1 rating.

  • Large enterprises (Generic) are entities with an annual turnover in excess of R50 million per annum. Under the Amended Codes, Generic entities are evaluated based on all five elements of the Generic scorecard.

You can download the Affidavit here: https://www.beeregistry.co.za/affidavit.asp 

A company’s compliance and status are measured in terms of the following elements: 

  • Ownership: What percentage share do black people hold in the business?
  • Management control: What percentage of your management structure is occupied by black people?
  • Skills development
  • Enterprise and supplier development:
    • How do your suppliers’ BEE ratings impact on yours?
    • How are you developing your black-owned supply chain through value-adding initiatives?
    • How are you developing other black-owned enterprises through value-adding initiatives?
  • Socio economic development: How are you aiding access to the economy for the black community

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Marike Muller

Managing Director: Verifications
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