Public Sector External Audit

Public Sector External Audit

We are an important supplier of external audit services to the public sector in South Africa, having worked through the office of the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) for over 10 years. Our large portfolio of public sector audit clients includes the SA Local Government Association (SALGA), Airports Company SA Global, City of Johannesburg, SA Human Rights Commission, National Health Laboratory Services and the Competition Commission,

Working through the AGSA, we provide assurance for reported financial results for national, provincial and local government departments and municipalities, and state-owned enterprises.

We are also involved in the Not for Profit (NPO) environment with many of our partners being USAID and CDC accredited. Some of our NPO clients include NEPAD, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF and the Salvation Army.

Clarity, transparency and quality are key to how we work, and we provide our clients with the confidence they need as they face scrutiny from stakeholders, including public sector regulators, the media and the public. We are clear about the future of our industry, delivering on the expectations of our clients and society, and our own role in being a responsible firm, especially when it comes to working with the Public Sector. This is demonstrated though:

  • rigorous internal engagement quality reviews and internal compliance processes such as internal quality control file reviews being conducted annually within the firm using a risk-based approach.
  • on-going training, to ensure staff are well equipped and knowledgeable with respect to current and new standards.
  • regular reviews by BDO Global in the following five areas: Audit Quality, Independence, Brand, Information Security/Privacy and Professional Indemnity Insurance.
  • the BDO Global Quality Monitoring Programme (QMP) which is designed to monitor firms’ adherence and compliance with professional standards, as well as incremental BDO standards and requirements, including policies, procedures, methodologies and tools.
  • regular reviews by the Independent Regularity Board for Auditors (IRBA)
  • the BDO Global Centre for Audit Quality and our access to BDO’s EMEA Regional Head of Assurance Quality.
  • continuous investment in initiatives to enhance audit quality which includes the introduction of ‘in-flight’ quality control reviews, mandated consultation requirements and specialised Engagement Quality Control Reviews. We have also appointed three ex IRBA inspectors to assist with internal quality control monitoring, have established a local Quality Lab, and appointed a Quality Management Leader
  • the Global BDO Independence Manual, which sets out our Code of Conduct and ethical requirements, and the BDO International Risk Management Manual, which provides guidance on the design and implementation of risk management and quality control systems.

Contact a Public Sector Audit specialist

Karlien Groenewald

Karlien Groenewald

Audit Partner: Public Sector
View bio

Yugen Pillay

Head of Public sector
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