Public sector
Yugen Pillay is the head of Public Sector Assurance and forms part of the public sector team which regularly provides insights and commentary on matters impacting the South African economy.
Yugen has also produced several thought leadership articles on Public Financial Management. He has over 15 years’ experience in the public sector environment and has audited and advised various spheres of government, including; National and Provincial Departments, Public listed entities and municipalities.
Yugen together with his public sector team regularly performs work on behalf of the Supreme Audit Institution that being the Auditor General of South Africa and believes that trust and integrity forms the building blocks of a strong centralised government.
Amongst other memberships, Yugen is also a member of the Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners (ICFP). He is also a certified USAID and CDC practitioner and currently participates on the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) public sector forum.
Yugen is a member of SAICA, IRBA, IIA and the ICFP and speaks English.