
Elevating your fraud investigations


Our mission is the prevention and detection of fraud. Our forensic practitioners are frequently called to provide testimony in legal forums, such as the civil and criminal courts or labour forums.

BDO will help clients determine facts as well as problem areas and produce remedial plans to eliminate areas of risk and exposure. Our actions include investigations, analysis and assessment of evidence governed by laws, rules and regulations. A properly executed fraud examination can achieve the following:

  • Identify improper conduct
  • Identify the person/s responsible for improper conduct
  • Stop fraud
  • Determine the extent of potential liabilities or losses
  • Facilitate the recovery of losses
  • Stop future losses
  • Strengthen internal control weaknesses.

BDO provides value-added services to clients around the world, elevating the service we provide. We focus on technical demands, the regulatory environment and industry dynamics to deliver comprehensive, customised and analytics-driven services for each client.

Eliminate exposure by bringing clarity

Fraud is a global problem and has adverse effects on organisations. It is difficult to determine the full scope of losses, as fraud is often undetected and sometimes not reported. According to the Association of Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nations (2020 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and Abuse) and research across 125 countries and 2,504 cases, it is estimated that losses of an estimated US$3.6 billion arise from occupational fraud.

Over the 30 years our team has been conducting forensic investigations, we have observed various instances of corporate fraud that have been committed by employees, either acting alone or with outside assistance. Despite intense efforts by companies to stamp out corruption and misappropriation of assets, it appears that fraud in its various forms is a problem that is increasing in frequency and severity.

At BDO we bring knowledge, innovation and clarity to our clients through a multidisciplinary methodology that includes lifestyle assessments, lifestyle audits, fraud risk assessments and forensic investigations into possible fraud, corruption and other related offences. By being a deliberate and direct partner, we can help organisations detect, prevent and combat fraud, corruption and other related offences. Our mission is to provide clarity to our clients through the delivery of professional services, using technology and world-class methodologies that will enable clients to protect their assets and credibility.

Benefit from our experience

Veterans of complex, high-stakes litigation, monitorships and investigations involving multinational and multi-jurisdictional issues, BDO's professionals have extensive global experience providing solutions and presenting before regulatory, governmental and international arbitration bodies in a concise and relatable manner.

Our teams include Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs), lawyers, CA (SA) professionals, digital forensics examiners, database specialists, former members of law enforcement and government agencies, fraud examiners and forensic accountants. Our forensic technology services practice leverages proven methodologies, as well as innovative and proprietary technologies, to evaluate, analyse and resolve clients' complex data and information challenges.

We are members of the international Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and of the Institute of Commercial Forensic Practitioners (ICFP). BDO holds corporate membership in the South African Chapter of the ACFE, which received the global 2024 Chapter of the Year Award from the ACFE.

To learn more about our global forensics capabilities across the world, click here

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Annemari Krugel

Head of Forensics
View bio