Risk management and transformation

Cyber strategy and programme enhancement

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the significance of partnering with industry-specific experts to elevate your response cannot be overstated. A thorough cyber strategy and well-devised security programme lie at the heart of any effective cybersecurity framework. We are dedicated to protecting your organisation’s IT/OT systems and vital infrastructure by deploying advanced risk management strategies and initiatives. Our comprehensive cyber strategy offerings encompass:

  • Cybersecurity risk assessment: Evaluating vulnerabilities and threats to determine potential impacts and risks
  • Cybersecurity due diligence: Examining your current cybersecurity measures and suggesting improvements
  • Cyber incident preparedness: Ensuring your organisation is primed to respond swiftly and effectively to cyber threats
  • Cybersecurity benchmarking: Comparing your cybersecurity measures with industry standards and best practices
  • Roadmap: Providing your organisation with a roadmap to achieve cyber resilience, aligning to best-practice design and security principles.


Holistic cyber risk management

BDO delivers an all-encompassing perspective on your organisation's cybersecurity stance, complemented by actionable, data-backed recommendations grounded in globally acknowledged cybersecurity protocols. Our extensive cyber risk assessment involves meticulous control evaluation and efficacy testing. Utilising cutting-edge BDO tools, we swiftly and efficiently survey, collate and interpret data from diverse IT landscapes, resulting in pinpointed, data-driven advisories. Every assessment culminates in an exhaustive cybersecurity report, a strategic roadmap and, if deemed necessary, a business case to fortify security positioning. 

Further related services include:

Cyber insurance auditing

Too often, organisations invest in cyber insurance without understanding the policy's intricacies or alignment with their risk portfolio and appetite. BDO's nuanced approach involves juxtaposing an insurance policy's technical and contractual specifics against an organisation’s risk profile. It is essential to recognise that discrepancies might indicate potential non-coverage, under-coverage or even over-coverage – a misalignment with the board's risk appetite. Furthermore, BDO boasts unparalleled expertise in determining the adequacy and appropriateness of cyber insurance coverage for any given enterprise.

Cybersecurity education and training

BDO offers comprehensive cybersecurity education and training tailored to meet our clients’ diverse needs. Whether through interactive classroom sessions or convenient online modules, our curriculum is designed to empower and inform. One of our standout offerings is the ‘Meet-the-hacker’ training, which provides participants with a unique insight into the mindset and tactics of cyber adversaries. 

Our training encompasses:

  • Understanding the hacker: Delve into the psyche and methodologies of cyber attackers to anticipate and counter threats
  • Social engineering awareness: Recognise manipulation techniques that exploit human vulnerabilities to gain unauthorised access or information
  • Physical security protocols: Learn about safeguarding tangible assets, access points and infrastructure from security breaches
  • Malware defence: Understand the various forms of malicious software and how to prevent, detect and respond to such threats
  • Ransomware resilience: Equip yourself with knowledge on ransomware attacks and strategies to minimise risks and respond effectively
  • Personal security best practices: Ensure the safety of personal data and digital footprints online
  • Mobile security strategies: Protect your mobile devices from cyber threats and maintain data integrity
  • Password protection: Master the art of creating strong, unique passwords and learn about the best practices for password management. 

At BDO, our primary aim is to cultivate a cyber-resilient mindset among staff members, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the digital landscape safely.

Contact a BDO Cybersecurity adviser now.