Christel Pretorius

Christel Pretorius

Head of Quality Management

Executive summary


Christelle joined the firm as a trainee accountant in 2003 and since 2006 has worked in the professional standards division. In 2009 was promoted to partner.

Christel is involved in providing technical support to partners and clients in the following areas:

  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • IFRS for SMEs;
  • International Standards on Auditing;
  • Compliance with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Listing Requirements;
  • Compliance with the Companies Act of South Africa; and
  • Reviewing high risk engagements

She also has experience as the engagement partner on a number of listed and unlisted clients and has extensive experience in the mining sector.


  • B.Com (Acc) (Hons)
  • Chartered Accountant South Africa