
The world is facing extreme environmental changes and incidents that have a negative effect on business and communities they operate in. Climate change and increase in temperature rising sea levels, loss of biodiversity, air, land, and water pollution amongst other impacts that affect the world are starting to take precedence in the Board room and strategy sessions worldwide.

With the inception of regulation such as Carbon Tax in South Africa, we are seeing top emitters finding ways to mitigate their impact and find alternative ways to offset their emissions. Incorporating environmental sustainability into strategic and operational plans is increasing and BDO can help you with that.

BDO has a team of specialists in climate change, environmental and carbon management to assist you in integrating environmental strategies into your business via development of relevant strategies, frameworks and reporting and assurance of your non-financial information.

Building your business to be sustainably focused not only minimises your environmental footprint, but it can also assist in growing your business by providing innovation and collaboration in areas that will ensure future sustainability of your business. It can also ensure your business is ready for any legislative changes that arise in the future.

Our services include: 

  • Carbon tax liability assessment
  • Carbon strategies and footprint
  • Assurance of non-financial information (ISAE 3000 or A1000 Standards)
  • Environmental strategy and framework development
  • Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) reviews
  • Board induction training and director’s duties training

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