Financial Regulatory and Compliance

Financial Regulatory and Compliance

During the last decade, financial sector regulation developed and evolved at an unprecedented rate. The requirements of financial regulatory bodies became more and more challenging and complex, placing increasing demands on management. This trend is likely to continue during the current decade and beyond. Financial Regulatory and Compliance Services (FRACS) is a specialized unit within BDO Financial Services concentrating on the financial sector legislative and regulatory environment. FRACS provides audit and advisory support across the various BDO Financial Services functions, and where necessary, draws on the skills of the other specialised skills within Financial Services. A Regulatory Centre of Excellence has been established to drive quality and consistency across BDO Financial Services and places training and knowledge sharing as two of its core functions.

Our services include: Training (internally and externally), Financial statement audit support, Regulatory audits, Internal audit support, Regulatory and compliance advisory services.

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